Internal Quality Audit

The audit programmes (self inspection or audits by external organisations undertaken).

These systems are periodically reviewed and thereafter upgraded as per the need. The personnel of Quality Assurance diligently follow this responsibility. In addition to this a Nucleus Committee comprising of the Managing Director, Manager-Quality Assurance has been formed for this purpose.

They meet regularly and review the effectiveness of the system by way of "Self-Inspection and Quality Audit" for monitoring the following:
  • Incoming material quality
  • Finished Product quality
  • Compliance with system/document control
  • Customer complaints
  • Internal quality audits
  • Corrective action if required to avoid non- conformity

Results are reviewed with all raw-data and calculations, in-process checks and enclosures as per master formula card instructions / procedures. Batch manufacturing record and Batch packing record review system are established for reviewing of adequacy and quality.

Verve human care laboratories is following system for supplier assessment for pre-approval of vendor of raw materials and packing materials or any other incoming material for production purpose. Standard operating procedure and instructions are available and all records are maintained in quality assurance department.